Programs & Work

Actively Involved in the Community

While many organizations and programs developed to assist the homeless,
Favored To Favor Foundation recognized a need that was going unmet
serving those families who, while not homeless, were in financial crisis
and in danger of "falling through the cracks."

These families and individuals live from paycheck to paycheck, and
unexpected expenses can send them spiraling from self sufficiency
to the brink of homelessness. Throughout the year the foundation
will provide various food, clothing and toy drives to meet the needs
of deserving families.

The foundation is also designed to sponsor children
educational activities, including annual school supplies,
student co-op programs and much more!

If you would like to become
more active with our foundation on a volunteer basis, please
contact us at


Holiday Season Year Round

Everyone needs a handup every once and while.
Thats why we are committed to spreading the love and joy of the holiday season years round. Please join us by lending your support.

We Lead By Example


capacity building

Partnering with other non-profits
We partner with other non-profits in the community to build capacity. Strong community partnerships ensure that we can reach as many participants as possible.
Private sector funding
Private sector funding and enterprises have a particular competency that contributes to the growth of our programming.
Goverment programs
Government funding comes in the form of grants, loans, subsidies, fellowships, scholarships, traineeships, technical information, advisory services, and sales or donations of federal property. Hope for he Holidays pursues these resources with the intent of applying them to our growing programs.